The Log Splitter is one of our most popular machines mainly due to the fact that it is so handy and easy to use 🙂

So the Basics: What is a log splitter? Essentially it is a mechanical axe which is designed to split logs faster and easier and than a traditional axe but also to provide a safer environment in which to do this.

log splitter in action macroom tool hire save time and your back

How does a log splitter work?. Log splitters are incredibly safe to use and extremely straight forward to operate: you simply pull two levers and watch as the splitting wedge slowly works it way towards the log which is placed safely in-situ on the log splitter. The log is split by the sheer force of pressure applied by the wedge and does not require a build up of speed or momentum as is the case with a traditional axe. This significantly reduced the amount of bending, reaching and walking that I would normally have to do which resulted in less operator fatigue and more energy for splitting. In other words, it seriously saves your back and the aches that you get from using a manual axe.

So, why would I want a Log Splitter? Well anybody who has an open fire or wood burner will use one of these devices. You’ll find log splitters great for chopping wood into suitable size pieces of wood for each fire or wood burner in your home. Best of all, what once would have been seen as a tiresome chore chopping up a pile of wood with an axe, becomes a quick and easy task.

log splitter macroom tool hire

Tidbit: Incredibly a Log Splitter can chop up to 100 logs in an hour and useful features include transport wheels and handle for pulling the log splitter along. The Handy Log Splitter will also cope with good sized logs up to 25cm (10″) in diameter and 52cm (20.5″) long.  

Log splitters have come down greatly in price in recent years and Macroom Tool Hire sell an Electric Log Splitter for €300 and we hire the robust Petrol Log Splitters for €50 per day.
Call us today on 026-42133, Macroom Tool Hire or visit it us at www.macroomtoolhire.ie

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